Sunday, July 26, 2015

Spring Integration - simple example

1. intro 

From wiki: Spring Integration is an open source framework for enterprise application integration. It is a lightweight framework that builds upon the core Spring framework. It is designed to enable the development of integration solutions typical of event-driven architectures and messaging-centric architectures.

In shorts, Spring integration is a framework wich can help in creation application with complex data flows, with a lot of different data transformation, filtering, routing and others. 

Schema of flow in this example : 

Description : 
we have collection of payments, this collection is splitting and sending "one by one" into next step : Filter. Filter just allows to go ahead payments with amount!=nll. After that(router), we have 2 types of workflow regarding property isVip: one workflow for regular payments(regular transformer) , another one for vip payments : vip transformer. Results of transformation are sending into paymentProcessor in which has to main logic of our application. In case when we have errors in processing - we are processing errors in fail processor.  

2. Component description. 

    • Inbound Gateways --- bring data from an external system to the integration network, and expect a response message to be provided by some other components, through some channel, to be forward to the external system
    • Channels --- the connectors between the other types of components, i.e. the endpoints. (These are the "pipes" in the "pipes&filters" architectural characterization.) Channels provide a simple API defined in-terms of message passing operations, such as send() and recv() methods.
    •  message router is an endpoint that forwards incoming messages to one (or more) among several configured output channels. The criteria for selecting the output channel is usually based on the message payload and/or the message headers. 

    • Message filters are endpoints that selectively relay messages from an input to an output channel. They can be used to discard messages based on payload or header values, detect invalid messages, or relay non-conforming messages to a separte channel.
    • Message transformers are endpoints that transform messages payload and/or headers. The can be used to perform arbitrary transformations on the payload, convert payload types, and add, change, or remove headers. 
    • The Splitter is a component whose role is to partition a message in several parts, and send the resulting messages to be processed independently. Very often, they are upstream producers in a pipeline that includes an Aggregator.

3. Project structure

4. Main project (pom) file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






5. Context file

Here described all component of application.  Please take a look how implemented logging: interceptors in channels.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="auditInterceptor" class="com.demien.spring.integration.interceptor.LogInterceptor"/>

    <int:channel id = "newPaymentChannel">
            <ref bean="auditInterceptor"/>

    <int:gateway id="inPaymentGateway"
        <int:method name="loadPayments" request-channel="newPaymentChannel" />

            output-channel="singlePaymentChannel" />
    <int:channel id = "singlePaymentChannel">
            <ref bean="auditInterceptor"/>

            ref="paymentFilter" />
    <int:channel id = "filteredPaymentChannel">
            <ref bean="auditInterceptor"/>
    <bean id="paymentFilter" class="com.demien.spring.integration.filters.PaymentFilter"/>

    <int:recipient-list-router input-channel="filteredPaymentChannel">
        <int:recipient channel = "regularPayments" selector-expression="!payload.isVip()"/>
        <int:recipient channel = "vipPayments" selector-expression="payload.isVip()" />
    <int:channel id = "regularPayments">
            <ref bean="auditInterceptor"/>
    <int:channel id = "vipPayments">
            <ref bean="auditInterceptor"/>
            ref="regularPaymentTransformer" />
            ref="vipPaymentTransformer" />
    <int:channel id = "processingChannel">
        <int:queue capacity="10" />
            <ref bean="auditInterceptor"/>
    <bean id="regularPaymentTransformer" class="com.demien.spring.integration.transformers.RegularPaymentTransformer"/>
    <bean id="vipPaymentTransformer" class="com.demien.spring.integration.transformers.VipPaymentTransformer"/>

    <int:service-activator input-channel="processingChannel" ref="paymentProcessor">
        <int:poller fixed-rate="100" error-channel="failedPaymentsChannel" />
    <bean id="paymentProcessor" class="com.demien.spring.integration.activators.PaymentServiceActivator"/>

    <int:channel id = "failedPaymentsChannel">
            <ref bean="auditInterceptor"/>

    <int:service-activator input-channel="failedPaymentsChannel" ref="failProcessor" />
    <bean id="failProcessor" class="com.demien.spring.integration.activators.FailedPaymentActivator"/>


6. Test dto(Payment)

Very simple object. Please take a look at method isVip- we will use it later.

package com.demien.spring.integration.dto;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;

public class Payment {
    BigDecimal amount;
    String description;

    public Payment(String description, BigDecimal amount) {
        this.description = description;
        this.amount = amount;

    public boolean isVip() {
        if (amount!=null && amount.compareTo(new BigDecimal(10000))==1) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public BigDecimal getAmount() {
        return amount;

    public void setAmount(BigDecimal amount) {
        this.amount = amount;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

    public String toString() {
        return "Payment{" +
                "amount=" + amount +
                ", description='" + description + '\'' +


7. Interceptors

As I mentioned before - we will use interceptor for logging messages which came into channel. 

package com.demien.spring.integration.interceptor;

import org.springframework.integration.Message;
import org.springframework.integration.MessageChannel;

public class LogInterceptor extends ChannelInterceptorAdapter {

    public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message,
                              MessageChannel channel) {
        System.out.println("[["+channel.toString()+"]] "+message.getPayload());
        return message;


8. Filters

We can filter object which came into channel. In this example, if received object don't have amount - it will be filtered (and will not move forward).

package com.demien.spring.integration.filters;

import com.demien.spring.integration.dto.Payment;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Filter;

public class PaymentFilter {

    public boolean checkMandatoryFields(Payment payment) {
        if (payment==null || payment.getAmount()==null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

9. Transformers

I made 2 branches of workflow here : 2 transformers : for regular and vip payments. 

package com.demien.spring.integration.transformers;

import com.demien.spring.integration.dto.Payment;

public interface PaymentTransformer {
    String paymentToSting(Payment payment);

package com.demien.spring.integration.transformers;

import com.demien.spring.integration.dto.Payment;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Transformer;

public class RegularPaymentTransformer implements PaymentTransformer {

    public String paymentToSting(Payment payment) {
        return payment.getDescription()+" "+payment.getAmount();


package com.demien.spring.integration.transformers;

import com.demien.spring.integration.dto.Payment;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Transformer;

public class VipPaymentTransformer implements PaymentTransformer {

    public String paymentToSting(Payment payment) {
        return "!!! "+ " VIP PAYMENT:"+payment.getDescription()+" "+payment.getAmount();

10. Activators

Usually, the main processing logic. In this example I just printed in-object.

package com.demien.spring.integration.activators;

import org.springframework.integration.annotation.ServiceActivator;

public class PaymentServiceActivator {

    public void processPayment(String payment) throws Exception {
         if (payment.toUpperCase().contains("TEST")) {
             throw new Exception("Test payment was not processed");
        // some logic have to be here

package com.demien.spring.integration.activators;

import org.springframework.integration.Message;
import org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.ServiceActivator;

public class FailedPaymentActivator {
    public void handleFailedOrder(Message<MessageHandlingException> message) {
        String payment=(String)message.getPayload().getFailedMessage().getPayload();
        System.out.println("FAILED:"+payment+" WITH ERROR:"+message.getPayload().getMessage());

11. Main starter file

Here I'm creating 4 test objects and sending them into workflow by gateway. 

package com.demien.spring.integration;

import com.demien.spring.integration.dto.Payment;
import com.demien.spring.integration.gateways.LoadPaymentsGateway;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class App {

    static LoadPaymentsGateway gateway;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/expences-context.xml");

        Payment payment1=new Payment("First payment", new BigDecimal(666) );
        Payment payment2=new Payment("Second payment", new BigDecimal(20000) );
        Payment payment3=new Payment("Null payment", null );
        Payment payment4=new Payment("Test payment", new BigDecimal(1) );

        List<Payment> payments=new ArrayList<Payment>();



12. Results

I ordered strings in log in order of processing. So we can see what newPaymentChannel received collection of 4 objects. After that they were sent one-by-one into singlePaymentChannel. Filtered payment channel got only 3 objects : one was rejected because of null amount. Later based on value of amount (and property isVip) 2objects were sent into regularPayments and 1 - vipPayments, and transformed by corresponding transformers into another objects(into Strings in this example). At the end transformed objects were processed by PaymentServiceActivators(processingChannel). Rejected objects are moving forward to failedPaymentChannel and processed by FailedServiceActivator.   

[[newPaymentChannel]] [Payment{amount=666, description='First payment'}, Payment{amount=20000, description='Second payment'}, Payment{amount=null, description='Null payment'}, Payment{amount=1, description='Test payment'}]

[[singlePaymentChannel]] Payment{amount=666, description='First payment'}

[[singlePaymentChannel]] Payment{amount=20000, description='Second payment'}
[[singlePaymentChannel]] Payment{amount=null, description='Null payment'}
[[singlePaymentChannel]] Payment{amount=1, description='Test payment'}
[[filteredPaymentChannel]] Payment{amount=666, description='First payment'}
[[filteredPaymentChannel]] Payment{amount=20000, description='Second payment'}

[[filteredPaymentChannel]] Payment{amount=1, description='Test payment'}
REJECTED:Payment{amount=null, description='Null payment'}

[[regularPayments]] Payment{amount=666, description='First payment'}
[[regularPayments]] Payment{amount=1, description='Test payment'}

[[vipPayments]] Payment{amount=20000, description='Second payment'}

[[processingChannel]] First payment 666
PROCESSED:First payment 666

[[processingChannel]] !!!  VIP PAYMENT:Second payment 20000
PROCESSED:!!!  VIP PAYMENT:Second payment 20000

[[processingChannel]] Test payment 1
FAILED:Test payment 1 WITH ERROR:java.lang.Exception: Test payment was not processed

[[failedPaymentsChannel]] org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException: java.lang.Exception: Test payment was not processed

13. The end

Source code can be downloaded from here.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

BDD with groovy and Spock

Groovy language is not as "strict" as Java, I don't think it does not makes a sense to create using Groovy complex production applications, because we can have situation when everything is compiling, but not working. It can we very hard to understand where exactly variable type User was used like it has type Task(for example)  :)   But for writing test, groovy - is a very good option, because it can make writing of test much easier, with writing less code.  In this post I'll show how can we test Java code by BDD methodology, using groovy language and spock library. 


Example how it looks :
def "it should say Hi for regular name"() {
    def person=new TestJavaClass()

    when :
    def result=person.sayHi("Huan Sebastyan")

    result!=null    result=="Hi, Huan Sebastyan"}

1. Project structure 

We have 2 Java classes for testing in our project:,, and one groovy test file : GroovyTest.groovy. 

2. Main project file(pom.xml)

We have to include some spock-related dependencies into pom file. I commented dependencies which was not used in this project, but can be used in future.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  <name>Test Spock Project</name>


      <!-- Mandatory plugins for using Spock -->
        <!-- The gmavenplus plugin is used to compile Groovy code. To learn more about this plugin, 
        visit -->
      <!-- Optional plugins for using Spock -->
      <!-- Only required if names of spec classes don't match default Surefire patterns (`*Test` etc.) -->
      <!-- Only required for spock-example build -->

    <!-- Mandatory dependencies for using Spock -->
    <!-- Optional dependencies for using Spock -->
    <dependency> <!-- use a specific Groovy version rather than the one specified by spock-core -->
  <!-- enables mocking of classes (in addition to interfaces) -->

  <!-- enables mocking of classes without default constructor (together with CGLIB)
  <!-- only required if Hamcrest matchers are used
    <!-- Dependencies used by examples in this project (not required for using Spock)

  <!-- Only required if a snapshot version of Spock is used


  <!-- Only required in spock-example build

3. JavaTestClass

It's a very simple class, it just has 2 methods : sayHi and getHistory(returns List with history of invocatons). 

package com.demien.spock;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class TestJavaClass {

    private List<String> history=new ArrayList<String>();

    public void checkName(String name) {
        if (name==null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("name is null!");

    public String sayHi(String name) {
        return "Hi, "+name;

    public List<String> getHistoryItems() {
        return history;


Just another simple class which use JavaTestClass for method intruduceYourself. Also it use getHistory method for transforming result from JavaTestClass to String(from List). 

package com.demien.spock;

public class AnotherJavaClass {
    TestJavaClass testJavaClass;

    public void setTestJavaClass(TestJavaClass testJavaClass) {
        this.testJavaClass = testJavaClass;

    public String introduceYourself() {
        return testJavaClass.sayHi("I'm AnotherJavaClass");

    public String getHistory() {
        StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder();
        for (String s:testJavaClass.getHistoryItems()) {
            if (result.length()>0) {
        return result.toString();

5. Groovy test

By comments in code I tried to explain everything what is going on. I believe, it's easy to understand.

package com.demien.spock

import spock.lang.Specification;

class GroovyTest extends Specification {

    def "it should say Hi for regular name"() {
        def person=new TestJavaClass()

        when :
        def result=person.sayHi("Huan Sebastyan")

        result=="Hi, Huan Sebastyan"

    def "it should thrown an error if name is null"() {
        def person=new TestJavaClass()

        when :
        def result=person.sayHi(null)


    // mock - is a "empty" class: all methods are returning null.
    def "check method invocation count"() {
        TestJavaClass mock=Mock()
        AnotherJavaClass anotherJavaClass=new AnotherJavaClass(testJavaClass: mock)

        mock.sayHi("Test Name") // first invocation
        anotherJavaClass.introduceYourself() // second invocation


    //  you have to re-define each method you want to use for mock
    def "Mocked class used in another class should return mocked value"() {
        setup :
        TestJavaClass mock=Mock()
        AnotherJavaClass anotherJavaClass=new AnotherJavaClass(testJavaClass: mock)

        String result=anotherJavaClass.introduceYourself()


    def "Mocked class should return proper mocked history"() {
        setup :
        TestJavaClass mock=Mock()
        mock.getHistoryItems()>>["one", "two", "three"]
        AnotherJavaClass anotherJavaClass=new AnotherJavaClass(testJavaClass: mock)

        String result=anotherJavaClass.getHistory()


    // stubbed class - "empty" class like mock, but methods are not returning values at all
    // so, like in mocks, you have to re-define each method you want to use
    def "stubbed class used in another class"() {
        TestJavaClass stub=Stub()

        stub.sayHi(_)>>{String name->
            "Hello, "+name
        AnotherJavaClass anotherJavaClass=new AnotherJavaClass(testJavaClass: stub)

        String result=anotherJavaClass.introduceYourself()

        result=="Hello, I'm AnotherJavaClass"

    // spy - is a "wrapper" - 100% working copy of class
    //  but you can re-define methods if you want
    def "spy test"() {
        TestJavaClass spy=Spy()
        spy.checkName(null)>>{} // now calling this method with (null) will not cause exeption

        AnotherJavaClass anotherJavaClass=new AnotherJavaClass(testJavaClass: spy)

        String resultFromClass=anotherJavaClass.introduceYourself()
        String resultFromSpy=spy.sayHi(null)

        resultFromClass=="Hi, I'm AnotherJavaClass"
        resultFromSpy=="Hi, null" // exception was not thrown


6. Conclusion.

I think groovy is becoming more and more popular for writing test, and spock framework will help it with that! Source code can be downloaded from here.